The Covid-19 pandemic hit the world like a freight train and completely derailed the way everyone lives their daily lives. Everything from going on a date to the movies, to marrying your significant other has changed entirely.

That doesn't mean you have to bring your life to a standstill, though. While it is different than it was before, there are ways to navigate the complex landscape of marrying during a pandemic, and we're here to give you a little advice on how to pull it off flawlessly.

Prepare for Stress

A wedding is always stressful. There's a reason an entire TV show formed around the idea of “bridezillas”. During Covid-19, that stress has gotten exponentially worse, and it can easily become overwhelming.

It's a good idea for any soon-to-be newlyweds to prepare themselves for all the last-minute changes, unavailable vendors, and other stressors that might make the big day a nightmare instead of a once-in-a-lifetime sort of day.

Stay Organized

It should come as no surprise that your wedding will go a lot smoother if you keep everything related to it organized. You should keep track of any vendors you plan on hiring, venues you may want to use, who is planning on coming, and every other bit of information you gather.

Using an online organizer is great, but you should keep a binder, or multiple binders with copies of everything in case something happens to your digital files.

This will make it a lot easier to make adjustments as unexpected issues pop up, and it'll remove a lot of the stress involved in planning a wedding during a pandemic.

Book a Wedding Planner

The wedding process has gotten a lot more complex, and if there's ever been a time to hire the best wedding planner possible, now is it.

A wedding planner won't just help you make the tough decisions. They'll also help handle vendor cancellations, venue availability, Covid-19 guideline compliance, and many of the other aspects of wedding planning that are causing couples a lot of grief right now.

Don't skimp out. Hire the best wedding planner you can afford if you want to pull this off before the pandemic subsides.

Consider Virtual Celebrations

It's not the 90's anymore. You can bring the whole family together, almost as if they're actually in the same room, via today's technology. The wedding industry has quickly evolved to turn this into a huge trend at the moment.

Not only does a virtual wedding celebration prevent the spread of Covid-19, but it also makes a lot of cost reductions possible. This allows more money to be poured into creating the dream wedding a couple wants, rather than venue fees, reception catering, etc.

Don't Forget Why You're Doing It

Most importantly, don't forget what you're having a wedding for in the first place. Any couple looking to tie the knot should do what's best for them, and that goes for you, too.

If that means postponing until the pandemic is over, do that, but keep making plans and researching. If you want a virtual wedding, talk to your wedding planner about how to pull it off flawlessly. If you decide to go the traditional route, just take your time and remember the big day is worth every setback.

Whatever you decide to do, your wedding day is one of the biggest moments of your life; enjoy it to the fullest extent.

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